How to get urine out of memory foam mattress


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If u are a lover of pets and children, then you are always in trouble and think about how to get urine out of a memory foam mattress. As it happens mostly that the babies and pets always urinate in unexpected places like mattresses, carpets, sofas etc. and now it’s the time that your real battle starts .and you are always in search of different ways of how to get urine out of  memory foam mattress and get rid of stains and especially smell.

Sometimes you don’t even know that your child urinated on your mattress, the urine dried up and because of the smell you came to know that your baby has urinated on the mattress so cleaning and get urine out of  memory foam mattress is very much difficult instead of fresh urine.
We are always concerned with your comfort and making your life easy by giving you some ideas which will help you and you will be able to remove the stains and smell of urine easily. There are different ways some people are applying different expensive ingredients but still, they didn’t work.
If you are worried how to get urine out of  memory foam mattress then must try the following tips, it will help you a lot.

Here are some methods: the ingredients you need are easily available in your home’ so you don’t need to worry of how to get urine out of a memory foam mattress.

Tips for baby urinates in your memory foam mattress:

  • Act fast
  • Do not let the urine dry
  • Absorb the excess urine with a dry towel
  • Be patient
  • Do not dab the area with colored cloth or towel
  • Do not rub the area
  • Dab the area

There are some steps on how to get urine out of memory foam mattress:

Following steps will help you how to get urine out of a memory foam mattress.

Step 1: look for the damage area:

  • First, you have to assess the area. The thing is Are you dealing with fresh urine, or has it dried up?
  • The second thing whether is there is a lot of urine or just a small amount?
  • The third thing is about the odor, is it smells less or more
  • The fourth thing is the type of mattress that you have. Normally Foam mattresses tend to absorb liquid faster than other types, so working quickly to soak up the excess urine is key to success.

Good news: If the stain is fresh, that’s good news. The fresher the stain is, the easier and more quickly your cleanup will be. Now it’s very important to act fast before the urine has to soak in. After applying it you will not be terrible of how to get urine out of a memory foam mattress.

Bad news: if you notice a dried urine stain on your mattress, it’s troublesome because dried urine can’t be removed easily but again don’t worry.
For this, You may need a stronger solution, but cleaning dried pee from your mattress is still an option.
First, you have to notice that what you’re working with will help you approach your cleanup method.

Step 2: Remove Your bed sheets or mattress

Remove the mattress tops or bedding.
Throw it into the washing machine for cleaning it later because if you first clean it when the urine will be absorbed in the mattress and getting it out would be much more difficult.

Step 3: dab or blot the mattress:

press paper towels on top of the area to blot out excess urine.
Do not rub the area as this can set the urine even deeper into the mattress.
Now all u need is to open windows in the room and turn on a fan it will help you to increase airflow throughout the room.

Step 4: homemade DIY solution:

Vinegar is a natural cleaner that helps break down the uric acid found in urine, making it easier to remove. This is the best method for cleaning a fresh urine stain on your memory foam mattress.

Ingredients for making the solution are;

The ingredients you need are;

  • White vinegar half cup
  • Warm water half cup
  • Empty Spray bottle
  • Baking soda.
  • Vacuum machine

Creating a solution:

Taking an empty spray bottle
Fill the spray bottle with half of the white vinegar
And half of the warm water
Shake it for 30 seconds to mix it well
The solution is ready

Method of cleaning

Take half a cup of vinegar and half a cup of water
Mix it to form a solution
Now dab the area on which there is urine with a white. towel
Apply the solution using a spray bottle
Now again dab the area with a wet cloth towel or wipe
now Apply baking soda to the area, it will soak the excess vinegar
Vacuum the baking soda
Let the area dry
Tip: Repeat the steps above until your mattress is clean and odor-free

How to make a homemade cleaner to get urine out of memory foam mattress:

Ingredients required you need:

The ingredients that used for how to get urine out of a memory foam mattress are  as follows;

  • White vinegar half cup.
  • Half a cup of warm water
  • Take half a cup of vinegar and half a cup of water
  • Mix it to form a solution
  • Now dab the area on which there is urine with a white. towel
  • Apply the solution using a spray bottle
  • Now again dab the area with a wet cloth, towel or wipe
  • Let the mattress dry

Best cleaner for human urine:

Best cleaner for how to get urine out of a memory foam mattress.

  • Ingredients required
  • Baking soda
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Dish detergent


  • Take 2 spoons of baking soda, 1 spoon of hydrogen peroxide and 1 spoon of dish detergent
  • Now Make a solution of baking soda, peroxide and any dish detergent
  • The combination of the thread and a powerful cleaning agent will fade away even the strongest of urine smells.
  • Apply the solution to the area
  • Wait for 5 minutes
  • Dab the area with a wet cloth or towel or a wipe
  • Let the area dry

Q: How can pets pee as dogs and cats can be out of memory foam mattresses?

Ans: Pet urine smells a little stronger than human urine; because there is more area in it, which is the main element in urine that decomposes into ammonia. The method for cleaning cat and dog pee is very much similar, but they require more extra effort because of the strong pungent odor.

Ingredients your need is vinegar half cup

  • Warm water half cup
  • Empty Spray bottle
  • Baking soda.
  • Vacuum machine
  • Hydrogen peroxide


Following methods will help you how to get urine out of a memory foam mattress.

  • Remove all bedding or mattress Tops
  • Through beddings and mattress in washing machine and wash it later.
  • Dab or blot the area with a clean cloth to remove as much moisture as possible
  • using disposable paper towels or old bath towels that are ready to be wasted.

Create a solution:

  1. Take 50% white vinegar and 50% water in a spray bottle.
  2. Spray the area with the solution.
  3. Vinegar will help break down the stain and neutralize the odor.
  4. Let the area dry.
  5. repeat the steps until there is no longer a pungent scent or visual indication of the urine on your mattress. ,
  6. If the stain and smell do not go away, pour hydrogen peroxide solution and dab the area with a wet towel. This will work. Because hydrogen peroxide has a strong enzymatic cleaner function.


It’s Concluded  from the discussion of how to get urine out of memory foam mattress that tragedies and accidents happen in daily life. Pets and kids always urinate in your memory foam mattress. It’s not a big deal. You can clean it easily by applying some very easy home remedies. Vinegar only can also get the urine out of a memory foam mattress, it is a very powerful neutralizing and cleaning agent. Hydrogen peroxide has been used for many years for cleaning hard stains like blood stains, oil or paint stains. but nowadays it is also used for getting the urine stains and smell out of memory foam mattresses widely. After applying are these tips then there is no need to worried about how to get urine out of a memory foam mattress.

Frequently Asked Question:

Q:Is it good to sleep on a urine-soaked memory mattress?

Ans No, urine-soaked mattresses are a nidus for many bacteria microbes and fungi .. u can be easily infected with it. Annan’s smell sells very bad so it’s not a wise idea to sleep on a urine-soaked memory foam mattress.

How to get rid of urine smell?

Ans:  If you are terrible of how to get urine out of a memory foam mattress then luckily you can get rid of the urine smell by simply applying hydrogen peroxide solution to the area and dabbing the area with a wet cloth and letting it dry.

Does the smell of human urine goes away?

Ans: yes it easily goes away.

Does vinegar neutralize the smell of human urine on a memory foam mattress?

Ans: yes vinegar neutralizes the smell of human urine on a memory foam mattress.

Q: How much time does It Take for urine to Dry on a memory foam Mattress?

Ans: Pee on a memory foam mattress can take about two to four hours, so it’s very important to treat it fastly.

Q: How much time does it take for the liquid to dry on a memory foam mattress?

It will depend on the quantity of liquid present and for how long it stays there and how deeply the liquid soaks. A smaller liquid will dry more quickly, while a mattress will require 9-10 hours to dry fully after being treated thoroughly with a vinegar solution.

Q:Can we apply the same methods for other liquids as well?

Ans: Of course, yes. The vinegar solution can be used on a variety of different mattress stains, and as a general-purpose cleaning solution.
But for instance, the vinegar solution method won’t work for everything — some substances like blood or red wine will require a different fix.

Q: How Do You Get Urine Out of a Mattress Without Vinegar?

Ans: yes if vinegar is not available, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide can be a great cleaner for getting pee out of a mattress. You have to make a mixture of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and liquid detergent

Ingredients required:
1 part baking soda
5 parts hydrogen peroxide
A dash of liquid detergent
Make a solution of baking soda and water
Once you’ve created your baking soda solution, spray the stain with the solution and let it sit for 15 mins until the solution is dried.
Then vacuum up any remaining residue from the area.

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By Muhammad Asim