What type of mattress lasts the longest?


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We spend most of our time in bed so we are very anxious about mattress quality. Actually, choosing a good mattress according to our needs is very difficult. Selecting a mattress of good quality that lasts the longest is our first priority. In this article, you must receive all the information about the qualities of mattresses that increase their lifespan.

What type of mattress lasts the longest?

Typically, the lifespan of a mattress is about 7 to 10 years. It is the average lifespan of all types of mattresses after which you have to replace your mattress with a new one. There are many factors that affect the lifespan mattress including the material used, real making quality of the mattress, the style of using the mattress, and the style of sleeping or the weight also influence its long-lasting feature.
As we know there is no expiry date for the mattress. It depends on the person who uses it that How long he used the mattress with great care. Mattresses can be notable costs, it is better to replace them routinely.

Factors affecting the lifetime of a Mattress:

The long-lasting features of Mattresses depend on various factors which are discussed below;

1. Materials

It has a great impact on the longevity of the mattress which type of material is used in its construction. Polyfoam of low density can last no longer as compared to polyfoam of high density. So if a material of high quality is used in its construction, it will increase its lifetime.

2. Original Quality

When you buy a mattress, its quality has an effect on how long it goes on. A mattress of cheap quality usually wears out very quickly in contrast to a high-quality hybrid mattress. It does not necessarily mean that a higher cost of a mattress has a better product but actually better quality manufacturing of mattresses is costly and long-lasting.

3. Mattress Type

There are some types of mattresses including hybrid, all-foam, and innerspring. Latex mattresses keep lasting for a longer duration and Hybrid types have an average lifespan. But the innerspring has the shortest lifespan of about 5-5.5 years to 6-6.5 years.

4. Sleep position and body weight

Your body weight also influences the lifespan of the mattress. If your body weight is greater than the weight capacity of the mattress, then the lifespan will become shorter. Your sleeping position also matters and affects the quality and lifespan of the mattress.

5. Care Routine

As we take care of most things in our life, we should also take care of the mattress in order to increase its lifespan. Proper care including cleaning, use of protective covers, and some care guidelines by manufacturer. Some mattresses can be rolled but must follow instructions given by the manufacturer.

Different types of mattresses with different lifespans:

1. Innerspring Mattress

It is the mattress with an average lifespan of 5.5-6.5 years. Its durability rating is poor to fair and its resistance to sagging is also fair. Its resistance to premature softening and to developing body impression is good. It has a metal coil support system and includes various varieties in shapes, number of coils, and coil gauge. Its longevity rating is fair.

2. Foam Mattress

The lifespan of foam mattresses is 6-7 years. Its resistance to premature softening and to developing body impression is poor to fair. Its durability rating is fair to good and its resistance to sagging is also fair. Foam mattresses have different qualities. It has air trapped in it to provide more support and strength. Its longevity rating is Good.

3. Hybrid Mattress

It is a multi layer mattress having latex, memory foam, and an innerspring system. All these combined features increase its lifespan to 6.5-7.5 years. Its resistance to premature softening and to developing body impression is Good. Its durability rating is fair to good and its resistance to sagging is fair. Its longevity rating is good.

4. Latex Mattress

The lifespan of foam mattresses is 7.5-8.5 years. Its resistance to premature softening and to developing body impression is Good. Latex mattresses have latex foam with springs and produce a supportive sleep surface. Natural Latex comes from the rubber tree sap. Its durability rating is good to very good and its resistance to sagging is also Good. Its longevity rating is Very good as compared to other types.

When should we replace a Mattress?

It is important to know how long your mattress can last? Some questions are very important while replacing a mattress. Is your mattress no more supportive?Do you feel pain and aches when you wake up? Has your mattress completed 7 years since it was bought?Do you notice allergens or other symptoms that are toxic to your health? If yes, then it is the right and perfect time to replace your mattress with a new one.
But if you are using this mattress and it appears to be perfect for you then maybe you can use it for one more year. But it is instructed by constructors that you have to replace it regularly to prevent any other harm. Because you are in contact with your mattress for several hours a day. It is necessary to keep it clean and free from dust for your better health.

Everything is made and guaranteed for some duration. After that duration, the item is not working well and its performance is also decreases. The best option is to change the old one with a new and high-quality item. While buying a new mattress, must check its warranty date and consult the manufacturers about how long it lasts? In case your old mattress has warranty then it is possible to repair or replaced it on behalf of warranty card.


Before purchasing a new mattress, check the warranties of all mattresses and the duration of how long it lasts? Ensure yourself that the mattress you have to buy has the longest lifespan. A soft mattress feels more comfortable while sleeping. The above article is coated with all possible information about which type of mattress lasts the longest. If you find this information valuable, please do inform us via comments. If you see any mistakes in the article, try asking us. We will come back sooner with the next information coated article. Carry on following our website.

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By Muhammad Asim